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September 15 2019-POSTSCRIPT:I am floating in a state of fuge. I have to spend so much time reclining that all track of life is gone. A seamless sameness from day to day.Wake up and do some chores while and if I can. Go back to bed, wake up and have oatmeal or eggs and toast. Try to clean counters, (not floors or walls) or do laundry or dishes. Traction on recliner, trying to get aligned with the reverse arch out of my back so I could drive my Norton for instance. I have it licensed for another 10 days or so. I really should start moving all small objects out of the Living Room and I have to get the floor put in.
For years, I have Salmon and Rice or Potatoes with peas or sometimes brocolli and I have Vegi Burgers with bread or tortilla and Spinach and Mayonaise. Every 10 days or 2 weeks I go shopping at a few Grocery Stores. I support myself on the Grocery Carts but still I wreck myself so badly that I can barely get through Hand Carting in the Groceries and Bird Seed and Cat Food.