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View. ![]() Documentary on HBO " Crazy not Insane". "Crazy Not Insane" by Dorothy O. Lewis is about the creation of Serial Killers and Psychotic Killers through physical injury and other maltreatment or mistreatment during childhood. New, sometimes psychotic, alternate entity persons are created to escape the maltreatment. I definitely attended Mother Collard's Serial Killer School with high impact and pain treatment. The documentary states that shaking children, slamming them into objects or striking their heads with anything causes brain damage in children. ( I wonder, what about contact sports?) I have at least one alternate personality or reality and it is virtually paralyzed and collapsed. That was what would happen when I was pulled to the left then right and thrown down by my hair and jumped on by my Mother. That would crush the breath out of me.I would collapse, gasping. She struck for no reason and without warning with brooms and steel edged yardsticks. I remember the sound of the steel edge cutting through my hair as she struck my skull, and the taste of blood in my mouth. My left arm has steel edge grooves all over it. When we are subjected to similar maltreatment as we experienced in childhood the obnoxious claim is made that we brought it on ourselves, it is claimed that we mated with persons alike to our abusers, as if we were stupidly so attracted. My siblings and my wife fell in love with the abuse still being perpetrated againdt me by my mother when I was an adult my siblings and the women who married into the Collard Family continued the stealing crimes which women do, men rape, women steal, and they lie and lie to use the "Big Beaters", POLICE. ONE OF MY FIRST MEMORIES IS OF LAYING THERE MY CHEST LOCKED AND SHUDDERING AS I TRIED TO BREATHE AT 2737 ALLARD, I WAS FOUR AT THE TIME. The documentary on HBO stated that personality change created during childhood trauma will manifest then and later with personality, writing, voice and facial appearance changes. I wrote several songs about Ann's personality changes and I wrote about her assuming a "little girl" voice. She could withdraw into cigarettes and alcohol. She exhibited changing spelling. Some personality changed individuals are not collapsed but active and dangerous. There is a report of another personality changing person who would sleep after his macabre acts were accomplished. I have the sleep syndrome severely, sleeping deeply several times a day and right after a live performance, creating a cartoon, or accomplishing a drive to Victoria, or in the past to the Ferry or from it into Vancouver. I detailed a plethora of accurate and truthful recountations of events, statements and what the results and symptoms were. I put it into writing, animation and musical performance and what do you know, the data driven Art fits right in with the HBO Documentary and my subsequent research. Like I said " Those who witness child beating of a sibling fall in love with that beater and that beating" and the mates, associates and adversaries of persons terrorized and injured as children FALL IN LOVE WITH HANDING OUT MORE PUNISHMENT, HATRED AND PHYSICAL INJURY. Brain injured abused persons do not, all of them, collapse like I do. Do reprisers of child maltreatment trigger attacks on themselves, or worse, trigger attacks upon innocent person |